Month: September 2017

Stafford rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted

We’re delighted to announce the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection at Stafford. Rated an overall judgement of ‘Good‘, the key findings are below:

  • Management ensure that staff regularly observe children during their planned and spontaneous play times. Staff identify and plan for all children’s next steps in their learning. This helps to ensure that any gaps in children’s learning are swiftly closed. All children make good progress and develop the skills they need for the next phase of their learning.
  • Staff are warm, caring and responsive to children’s immediate needs. They use meaningful praise, are positive role models and help children to learn about rules and boundaries of behaviour.
  • Children demonstrate close emotional attachments with the staff. They develop strong friendships with one another and demonstrate empathy as they show care, take turns and share the resources well. Outcomes for children are good.
  • Staff build positive relationships with other providers and schools. This helps to ensure a shared approach for all children’s care and learning throughout the nursery. This also promotes children’s readiness for the next phase in their learning and their eventual move to school.

If you would like to read the full report click on:

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the parents who took the time to speak to Ofsted on the day of the inspection. Thank you for your continued support.